Auckland Divorce Coach – Domestic Violence Is Never Acceptable

The Client’s Personal Safety Is The Most Important Issue For An Auckland Divorce Coach

An Auckland divorce coach will always advise their clients that there is never a justification for any type of domestic abuse. The coaches primary concern is for the safety of the client and other family members. If family harm or domestic violence is occurring to you, there are various forms of assistance available to you.

Auckland Divorce Coach – Domestic Violence Is Never Acceptable

No excuse for domestic violenceFamily violence is wrong on all levels, but it is especially unacceptable when children are involved. In simple terms, there is no place for compromise. The perpetrator cannot use any form of violence to try to coerce the other party to agree to their terms.

“Unfortunately, this has remained a persistent problem in New Zealand for a very long time,: says an Auckland divorce coach. It is gratifying that an increasing number of services and programmes are being implemented to stop family violence and to shield its victims. Nonetheless, it appears that domestic violence is still firmly entrenched in our social structure.

Family Harm Is Extremely Demanding, NZ Police Say
The New Zealand Police recently published their annual report for the period of June 2021 to June 2022.

The revelation that domestic harm continues to be the single-largest demand on their time was especially disheartening. In fact, every three minutes on average, the police are called to a domestic violence incident.

That statistic is alarming. For most people, it is hard to fathom that there are so many family violence incidents in New Zealand.

Other, report results related to domestic violence show that we still have a long way to go to address this deplorable state of affairs. For example:-

• Calls for help related to family violence are rising faster than other types of police call-out.
• In the previous year, police investigated close to 176,000 alleged incidences of family harm.
• There were roughly 10,000 more domestic violence calls than the year before.
• Re-offending for domestic violence increased by 3% to 67% of family harm cases. That means that two-thirds of family harm perpetrators have previously committed this crime to their family.
• The severity of injury is also increasing.

A further revelation from the survey was that “111 emergency calls” had climbed by almost 40,000 over the previous year, and that the police responded to almost 10,000 more serious situations than the in the 12 months before.

Experts Views

Trevor Bradley, a senior lecturer in criminology at Victoria University of Wellington, said an increase in domestic violence was likely a contributing factor in the spike in emergency callouts.

He added. “We’ve known throughout the world that those incidences have increased fairly considerably during the pandemic.” This is in addition to family violence from normal situations such as drunkenness or arguing. Whichever the cause, that has undoubtedly been exacerbated by lockdowns and other pandemic-related stresses, the police report offers a bleak picture.

An Auckland divorce coachFamily violence, which is also often perpetrated by the female in the relationship, is unacceptable. As a society, we can only trust that increased public pressure will lead to effective measures to eradicate it from our communities forever.

You can seek help from the police, Women’s Refuge or other groups.

For help and advice on separation, contact an Auckland divorce coach, such as Reset Coach.